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A Never Ending Supply

Norma Donovan

“And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:19

The other day I was tempted to become anxious as I reviewed all I needed to do. I wondered how I would not only have the time to complete it but the energy as well. It was then the Lord spoke the following words to my heart.

Rest in Me Norma, rest in Me. For I have everything you need for every assignment I’ve called you to. I have equipped you or will equip you with My tools to complete each project. My supply is never ending and My tool box never runs out of the perfect tool to get the job done right. I will supply you with the wisdom, energy, and discernment you need. You need to trust the Supplier. Work from the position of rest and I will supply you with everything that’s needed. I exhaled my worry while leaning against my heavenly Daddy’s chest, depending on Him to come through for me.

As I pondered on His promise that the supply never runs out, I pictured a fully stocked walk-in pantry. I saw myself taking a can of soup off the shelf and no sooner had I grabbed it, another can immediately replaced the one I took. Even when I’m in great need, somehow the shelves stay stocked and all I need to obey God’s will is right there, waiting for me to utilize.

I’m reminded of the widow at Zarephath in I Kings 17:7-16. God commanded the prophet Elijah during a famine to go and be fed by a widow. Elijah found her preparing to use her last handful of flour and a little oil to make the final meal for her and her son. Elijah told her not to be afraid, but to first make a small cake of bread for him to eat and then make something for herself and her son. The Lord had said, “The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry.” (I Kings 17:14) The widow did as Elijah instructed and there was food every day for them. The principal notation in my Bible is this: “The Lord does not ask more than He promises to give.”

I’m coming off from an extra busy week in part due to getting my house ready for my Mom and Stepdad’s visit tomorrow. I also spent time in Lincoln this weekend supporting my husband’s half marathon race and our daughter’s first full marathon. You’d think I was the one who ran the marathon when I woke up feeling exhausted this morning, wondering how I was going to write. As I sat down in front of the computer, the Holy Spirit seemed to infuse me with Himself, giving me the needed focus, strength and energy.

The widow gave God all she had and like the boy who gave his five loaves of bread and two fish to feed the multitude, it was enough when multiplied with the power of God. All God requires from each of us is to do what He asks us to do and He will provide the never ending supply. Give Him what you’ve got and He’ll supply the rest. As soon as we grab a can of soup off the pantry shelf, another one is supplied. It’s as if the well never runs dry. God’s divine power gives us everything we need for life and godliness. (II Peter 1:3)

What is it you need today? Are you in need of a tranquil spirit in the midst of a raging storm? Do you need God’s wisdom to help you make the right decision? Is it peace replacing anxiety which you need supplied? Do you require God’s grace to enable you to forgive those who have offended you? Whatever it is, God’s supply is endless. You only need to ask.

“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.”

Ephesians 3:20

Relevant Reflections:

1. Describe a time when God did more than what you asked or imagined.

2. What is it you need today from God? Tell Him what that is.

3. What is God asking you to do for Him? Take a step of obedience and then watch God provide His never ending supply.




Transforming lives one       at a time.


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