“Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.”
Corrie Ten Boom
I have never been more grateful for the traffic in Wichita as I was a few weeks ago, while driving a rental car out of Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco, during rush hour traffic. I kept praying my daughter and I wouldn’t be in an accident. God on the other hand kept saying, “Look at what I can do for you! I can provide the strength, wisdom, and courage that you need and I will show Myself to you as your Protector.”
In all of life, Jesus allows things to happen so that we get to know Him better. Each trial or fear that we face is an invitation to see who He really is and to catch a glimpse of another facet of the diamond called God.
Jesus didn’t rush to his dear friend’s Lazarus’ side when He heard his friend was sick. A few days later when Jesus knew Lazarus was dead, He told His disciples it was time to go see His friend. In the Passion Translation of John 11:14, it says, “…because now you have another opportunity to see who I am, so that you will learn to trust in Me.”
The trials we go through, is for the purpose to deepen our trust in God. It’s as if while we’re in the midst of a crisis, God is asking each of us, “Do you trust Me?” We learn about God’s nature in our daily lives and each situation is an opportunity to see God in action, so that we can trust Him more.
When we trust God, our intimacy well deepens from which we can draw up pails of living water of remembrance. This gives us the security that He will come through for us yet again. Intimacy correlates with trust. The deeper our trust, the deeper our intimacy will be. This applies to our relationship with God and with people.
In what scenario is God asking you today, “Do you trust Me?” Rest assure, this isn’t an opportunity to test you, but it’s an invitation to trust Him more by getting to know who He is. Allow Him to show Himself to you in ways unimaginable, so that you can look back and know He will be there for you again in the future.
“Faith is a reasoning trust, a trust which reckons thoughtfully and confidently upon the trustworthiness of God.”
John R. Stott
Relevant Reflection:
In your particular situation, what does trusting God look like?