“Authority always comes from our commission. We walk in authority to the measure we say yes to the mission.”
Bill Johnson
This past week I read in Luke 4:32, 36 how the people were amazed at Jesus’ teachings because his message had authority. Webster defines authority as “power to influence thought or behavior.” Authority is power given to us by God, which leads to amazement.
When people are amazed with our authority it’s because they know it’s not us speaking, but it’s God. We’re not the “expert” who possesses knowledge that wows others. No, God is the expert that gives us wisdom, knowledge, and authority.
Authority from God comes from abiding in God. The ultimate authority is God and we can’t become like someone unless we spend time with them. It’s only when we abide with the Holy Spirit that we begin to look and act like Him. “Apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5b).
Time spent with Jesus, in His Presence, begins to rub off on us while His authority is released upon us. “When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus” (Acts 4:13).
I want my written and spoken messages to transform others: to heal hearts and to deepen intimacy with God. But only God can do that. His authority is like a stamp of approval. When God gives His authority it’s as if He seals the assignment with His signet ring, giving it the power needed to fulfill His purpose.
God’s authority is not something I can earn; it’s a gift from God, like grace. But as I dwell and remain in Him, saying “yes” to His mission for my life, authority suddenly appears, as He sanctions it.
Say yes to God and abide in Him, then His authority will be evident in your life.
“It’s important to operate in power, (to sense what He’s doing and cooperate with it), and authority, (when we start the wave).”
Bill Johnson
Relevant Reflections:
1. In what area(s) do you want to walk more in your God-given authority?
2. Give one specific way you can say yes to God’s mission in your life.
3. How can you abide in Him to receive His gift of authority?