“If I will simply come to Jesus, my real life will be brought into harmony with my real desires.”
Oswald Chambers
One of the most comforting passages in Scripture is Matthew 11:28-30. “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” My heart is encouraged by these three verses.
The pace of a busy life full of commitments, illness, a lack of sleep, emotionally strained relationships and the struggle with sin, can make us feel tired and overwhelmed. But our God, who is humble and gentle, desires to give us rest. He doesn’t require us to first repent and be cleansed from sin. God doesn’t say to eat right, exercise, and get plenty of sleep. He doesn’t instruct us to reconsider all we’ve said yes to, or to get our relationships right, before we’re blessed with His rest. These things would benefit us, but all God demands is that we come to Him. We start by going to Him, just as we are.
At first that may seem like a simple request, but sometimes it’s easier said than done. Coming to Jesus requires humility and a teachable heart. Pride tends to say, I’ve got this. I can do it on my own. Besides, God doesn’t want me to come to Him when I’m struggling with sin. I have learned that is precisely the time God wants me to come to Him. Our heavenly Daddy is all about restoring relationship and deepening our intimacy with Him. He wants to come alongside of us, enlightening us with his wisdom to help us grow spiritually and emotionally.
The first step I need to take in order to have my burdens relieved, is to go to Jesus. Jesus needs to be the knee-jerk response to my weariness. Climbing upon my Daddy’s lap is the primary way to experience rest. Then I need to take His yoke and be joined to Him, so I’m not carrying the burden all by myself. God wants to help bear my burden by taking one of the yoke, while I take the other. A shared yoke is a lighter yoke.
Whatever burden you’re trying to carry in your own strength, humble yourself and lay it down, by going to Jesus. You’ll be so glad you did, as you receive rest for your weary soul.
“The only way to know the strength of God is to take the yoke of Jesus upon us and to learn from Him.”
Oswald Chambers
Relevant Reflection:
Spend time laying down your burden by climbing onto your Daddy’s lap and receive His rest.