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Norma Donovan

“Courage will follow when faith takes the lead.”


Reading biographies of courageous men and women inspire me. The Apostle Paul’s faith in what God had promised, gave Paul courage. In Acts chapter 27, the vessel Paul was on was about to be shipwrecked due to a violent storm. In spite of the dire circumstances, Paul urged the sailors to keep up their courage. An angel had visited Paul one night and told him not to be afraid, as he would stand before Caesar one day and all those sailing with him would be kept safe. (Acts 27:22-24) Acts 27:25 says, “Therefore, keep up your courage, men, for I believe God, that it will turn out exactly as I have been told.”

Paul’s courage came from his faith in God and what He said. He believed God’s words and placed his trust in God. Likewise, faith comes to me when I believe what God has spoken to me will come to pass. I draw my courage from that faith.

Last month while speaking at our church’s discipleship school, I shared about our upcoming move to Wichita. God gave one young man a prophetic word that I still make withdrawals of courage from. God told him, “She is going to love what I have for her there.” I am holding onto that promise. My faith rests not only in who God is, but His words as well.

I read Acts 27:25 a few days prior to John’s first set of interviews with Wesley Children’s Hospital and then I was prompted to make a list of other words God had given me in regards to our possible upcoming move to Wichita. Here are some of the words I declared aloud.

We’re moving there for such a time as this. We will make deposits there for ministry and relationships. There will be a time of preparation, equipping and networking. Specific things will be learned and poured into us for the preparation for the rest of our lives. It’s not a distraction, nor a derailing. It’s a season which will place us on the path of God’s destiny, to be equipped for what’s next. Our intimacy with God will deepen as we get to know God in ways we couldn’t in Omaha. It will feel like home. We’re being sent.

God said it, I believe it, and I will see those words come to pass. I have faith that our move to Wichita will turn out exactly as I have been told. And as a result, I have courage and peace for our upcoming adventure.

“Courage is fear that has said its prayers and has decided to go forward anyways.”

Joyce Meyer

Relevant Reflection:

What words from God have given you courage?




Transforming lives one       at a time.


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