“Don’t wait so long to start moving in your authority. David didn’t need a throne to act like a king. Step into your God given authority.”
David McCollam
Last week I began a post with principles I’ve learned the hard way. I wish a mentor had shared these truths with me decades ago, just like the Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, his son in the faith. Today I complete the letter I’d write to myself.
Dear Younger Me,
Take care of yourself. You are responsible for you. When you become stressed, ask yourself “What do I need most now?” You minister out of the overflow, so make sure your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual tanks are full.
Don’t run from your pain. Embrace it and seek to learn God’s redemptive purpose in it. Rather than medicating your pain through some form of comfort, run to the Comforter.
Be grateful for conviction; it shows God loves you enough to point out the things that separate you from Him. Be quick to repent; turn away from sin and turn toward God.
Realize it’s more important to BE with the Lord, than to DO for the Lord. Minister from the position of rest. There are no greater goals than getting to know God and deepening your intimacy with Him. God likes being pursued by you.
Find your satisfaction and contentment in God. People, possessions, or position are fleeting. Cultivate your internal world to handle the external one.
God is good, kind, loving and faithful, therefore you can trust Him with your life. Face your fears for that is where freedom lies. Be intentional and live a life without regrets. Take more risks, especially when it’s an obedience issue with God.
Tell yourself the truth and declare God’s promises out loud. Have an accurate perception of God, yourself, and others.
God receives the most glory when you are most fully who He created you to be. Shining, not hiding, glorifies God. “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify you Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).
“There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.”
C.S. Lewis
Relevant Reflection:
Write a letter to your younger self and share it with a younger person.