“It is impossible for that man to despair who remembers that His Helper is omnipotent.”
Jeremy Taylor
This past weekend, my husband and I had the joy and privilege of attending a Bethel event at the Sioux Falls Vineyard Church. Our motivation to be there was to see our daughter be a part of the Bethel ministry team. We also secretly hoped we would be refreshed. We arrived feeling discouraged and tempted to be hopeless regarding a few situations. We left encouraged and hopeful, after receiving three prophetic words that hit the bulls-eye of our hearts, causing tears to flow.
The leaders of the Bethel team, Steve and Ruth, spoke on Sunday morning. Some of the things Ruth shared went right to my heart. She said, “God wants to surprise you with His goodness. Disappointment comes when we hope in the circumstance. We need to hope in God and to feed on His faithfulness!”
As we celebrate Thanksgiving, we will have lots of choices to make regarding which of the delicious dishes we’re going to feast on and which morsels to put in our mouths. Likewise, we also have daily decisions to make regarding our thoughts and what we’ll feast on in our minds. And just like overeating on turkey with all the trimmings can lead to a tummy ache, so too overindulgence on the wrong thoughts can lead to despair.
Steve then spoke and said, “You’ll act out of what you believe. When we change the way we think, by renewing our minds, we change the way we look at life.”
What are you currently feasting on in your thought life? Are you constantly believing lies from the enemy and only thinking about what you see in your circumstances? Or are you choosing to camp on God’s faithfulness and His bigness, His ability to handle anything and everything in life? Where are you placing your faith – in God or man?
Psalm 37:9 says, “For evil men will be cut off, but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land.” This Thanksgiving, I want to encourage you to not feed on fear, negativity, or hopelessness. Instead, feast on how BIG God is and what He is able to do in your situation. Tell yourself the truth and begin to believe and hope again.
“When I cannot understand my Father’s leading, and it seems to be but hard and cruel fate, still I hear that gentle whisper ever pleading, God is working, God is faithful–only wait.”
A.B. Simpson
Relevant Reflections:
What are you feasting on – hope in God’s faithfulness or hope in your circumstance?
How do you feel as a result of what you’re feeding your mind?