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Four Ways to Respond to God’s Favor

Norma Donovan

“You have to trust the favor of God to do for you what you cannot do for yourself.”

Mark Batterson

It’s obvious when I experience God’s favor. Doors open up, connections with people are made, and opportunities for ministry come my way – all without no or very little effort on my part. The Father spoke these words to me regarding His favor. My favor is not a result of your obedience or performance. I bestow My favor upon you because I love you and I delight in you as My daughter.

The favor of God is: undeserved, unexpected, unconditional, and unlimited. We don’t deserve His kindness toward us. Any friendly regard from God is a result of what Jesus did for us. It’s unmerited favor and we cannot earn it. His favor is also unexpected. I usually don’t see it coming and can’t predict when I will experience God’s gracious kindness. God’s favor is unconditional. He doesn’t say IF you do this, THEN I’ll grant you favor. Lastly, His favor is unlimited and can go on and on and on. 

There are four ways we respond to God’s favor. The first is to anticipate it based on an accurate understanding of God’s nature. The father’s response to his lost son returning home in Luke 15:20-24 is an example of the favor God lavishes upon us. We’re not entitled to have God’s favor but because of who God is we can look for it.

Secondly, when God bestows His favor upon us, we’re to accept, receive, and embrace it. The favor of God is a gift. Therefore, we respond as we normally would when someone gives us a gift. We unwrap it. Don’t let feelings of unworthiness and guilt rob you of the joy of being recipients of His kindness. Instead, welcome what the Father generously gives to you.

Thirdly, humbly thank the Gift-giver. Our response to God’s favor is to have gratitude toward the One who gave us His favor. Our lives and attitudes are to be full of thanksgiving, gratefulness, and praise toward God.

Finally, use the favor you’ve received to pour out undeserved favor upon someone else. Give away what you generously received.

These four responses to God’s favor postures us to receive more of His undeserved, unexpected, unconditional, and unlimited favor. “May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us” (Psalm 90:17a).

“When God grants you His favor, nothing can stop the blessings He has in store.”

Annetta Powell

Relevant Reflection:

Describe a time when you experienced the favor of God. How did you respond to it?




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