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Game On

Norma Donovan

“…It’s not the resolution of circumstances, but the evolution of character, that God is after. And the worst circumstances often produce the best character…” Mark Batterson

There’s nothing like a cancer diagnosis to bring life into clearer focus, like turning knobs on a binocular. It causes you to be grateful for what you do have, rather than be bitter for what you lack. Cancer brings things into perspective and pushes true priorities to rise to the top of your life, similar to clarified butter as it’s rendered through heat.

A few weeks ago I received the diagnosis of grade one endometrial cancer, which is the lining of the uterus. When I got into my car following the doctor appointment, through tears I began to thank God. Since then, I have found myself telling family and friends more frequently how much I love and value them, as well as taking things less for granted.

I told God, “Game on.” I have accepted this new challenge He’s allowed in my life through His sovereign hands. I prayed, “Lord, I give this to You and all the people I will come in contact with. May You, Jesus, spill over. I embrace this journey and am so grateful You are my traveling companion. Help me Holy Spirit, to fulfill all that You have for me in this next season.”

My wish is to pass this test and to honor God in all I say and do. I want Him to know I trust Him and hope He will be glorified through my obedient submission. I long to look more like my heavenly Daddy, and have His character rub off on me as I press myself close to Him and lean on His strength. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. For those God foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of His Son…” (Romans 8:28-29)

One friend encouraged me with her words that I was “charting new waters and as I step into this uncharted territory, God is already walking before me, leading me on this journey. Let His words be the anchor in your heart that brings you peace and strength.” In addition to her words, God promised me this season “will be a time of heightened awareness to His voice, that even the faintest whispers will be heard loudly within my heart.” I’m excited at the possibility of my intimacy with God deepening as a result of this journey.

Oswald Chamber’s once said, “Let God engineer.” In other words, we need to allow God to plan, build, or manage our lives and in so doing to relinquish control over to Him. Brian Johnson, at Bethel Church, recently shared in a service to “Consider it a gift when God is your only option.” God is my only option for healing. He may choose to heal me through the laying on of prayerful hands or on June 6, through the hands of my oncology surgeon as he performs a hysterectomy. Whatever happens is in God’s hands. Let the games begin.

“Adversity gives you the opportunity to exhibit godly character.” Jim George

Relevant Reflections: 1. Describe an experience when adversity brought about more godliness. 2. In what situation do you need to tell God, “Game on,” and let Him engineer? 3. When has God been your only option and how did it turn out?




Transforming lives one       at a time.


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