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Give Thanks

Norma Donovan

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”

William Arthur Ward

The Pilgrims celebrated their first Thanksgiving in 1621. They thanked God for His provision. Likewise, in today’s post, I want to give thanks to God for all the ways He’s provided, to help me say good-bye to Omaha and hello to Wichita. I thank God for:

  1. All those who have undergirded us in prayer this past year.

  2. My friends who listened and allowed me to process my heart.

  3. Our small group who encouraged and valued us in so many ways.

  4. The gals who came over to help us pack up our house. Packing parties are fun!

  5. My friend who provided two quiches for quick and tasty breakfasts.

  6. The numerous good-bye parties, which honored us with their presence and their well wishes.

  7. The decorator who staged our house to make it more appealing.

  8. The wise realtor who advocated on our behalf and sold our house.

  9. The delightful Wichita realtor who became our friend, found the house we love, and spearheaded the remodeling prior to our move.

  10. The beautiful sunsets and peaceful view in our backyard.

  11. Our family, friends, and church who unselfishly released us to fulfill the purposes of God and spoke courage into us to do so.

  12. Our friends in Wichita, who got the ball rolling for the provision of a job here, and for the many practical ways they expressed their love and care for us.

  13. Our friend who allowed us to crash at her house our last two days in Omaha.

  14. The friend in Omaha who connected me to her Christian friends in Wichita.

  15. The mental, physical, and emotional energy to get all packed.

  16. All the boxes we’ve unpacked so far!

  17. His grace and promises regarding this transition.

Yes, I am grateful for all these things, but most of all, I “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His love endures forever.” (I Chronicles 16:34) Celebrate giving thanks every day of the year. Don’t wait for Thanksgiving.

“God has two dwellings: one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart.”

Izaak Walton

Relevant Reflection:

Take time right now and give thanks to God for all that He has recently provided.




Transforming lives one       at a time.


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Andover, KS 67002

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