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God’s Gift of Repentance

Norma Donovan

“Confession is the first step to repentance.”

Edmund Gayton

After Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, they hid from God’s presence. They were ashamed and feared God’s response so they tried to avoid Him. I have experienced the same effects of shame, hiding who I am from God and others when I’ve sinned. But God has given us the gift of repentance through which we can hide behind Christ and His work on the Cross. We no longer need to fear God’s response when we sin. Instead, we confess our sin, seek His forgiveness, and receive a restored relationship with Him. No more hiding, no more loss from God’s presence.

I used to look at repentance as a negative. I believed my need to repent only pointed out my defects which highlighted my feelings of shame and that’s why I cringed when I thought of repentance. But now I see it more from God’s perspective. God knows what’s best for us and what we need. He has our good in mind.

After we sin and feel guilty, what we need most is to repent, to have our guilt removed, to receive God’s forgiveness, and have our relationship be restored with Him. Luke 13:3 says, “But unless you repent, you too will all perish.” Perish means “to destroy fully.” Repentance isn’t only necessary in regards to our salvation and what happens to us eternally when we die. The process for repentance is for each day and for each sin we commit. We have to get rid of our guilt through repentance, or else we will feel miserable.

God, in His Fatherly wisdom knew what we’d need, an ability to right our wrongs through repentance and forgiveness. He knew if we didn’t repent, our sin and guilt would destroy us internally. For us emotionally, repentance is a good gift from our good Father. The next time you’re convicted of sin, don’t avoid repentance or hide from your heavenly Father. Instead, run to the Father, confess your sin and receive His forgiveness. That’s one way we’ll be restored and able to live the abundant life Jesus talked about in John 10:10.

“Confession, which means to agree with God regarding our sin, restores our fellowship.”

Erwin E. Lutzer

Relevant Reflections:

  1. How have you experienced repentance as a gift?

  2. Is there anything you need to repent of to restore your relationship with God?




Transforming lives one       at a time.


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