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I. Love. You.

Norma Donovan

“You are loved more than you will ever know by someone who died to know you.”


I made a drastic mistake when I was in fourth grade. I signed my valentine cards to each classmate, both male and female, “Love, Norma.” Oh, my, did I get teased for that! No, I didn’t really love every classmate, though I’m sure I liked most of them. But even at an early age, I wanted everyone to feel loved.

A few days after Christmas last year, the Lord spoke these words to me. I love you Norma. I love you when you obey me and I love you when you don’t. I love you when you’re humble and I love you when you’re proud. I love you when you’re distracted and busy doing too many things, and I love you when you’re sitting still at my feet, listening to my voice. I love you as a person, for you are my daughter and nothing you could ever do or say, could make me stop loving you. Do not confuse who you are with what you do. I don’t always love your choices, especially when there’s sinful behavior involved, but I NEVER stop loving you. I don’t just love you when you’re good and stop loving you when you’re bad; I love you all the time.

These words declare God’s unconditional love for me – for us. God prefers me not to sin, just like any earthly father desires their child to obey them. But when I sin, God’s love for me is not altered. Romans 5:8 says, “But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Disobedience erects a wall between our relationship with God, but that same wall can come tumbling down through repentance. Turning from our sin and turning to God is the essence of repentance. It’s confessing our sin and asking God for His forgiveness. “Nothing you confess could make me love you less. Jesus.” (Pinterest)

The Law doesn’t make me want to stop sinning, though it does point out my sin. It’s love that causes me, a lover of Jesus, to want to cease my disobedience. Love is a much better motivator than fear. When you love someone, you will do whatever they desire. My love for God causes me to do what pleases Him.

This coming Valentine’s Day, why not meditate on God’s unconditional love; for He loves you like no one else. As Graham Cooke has said, “He loves you, because He loves you, because He loves you…” I guess some things never change; I still want everyone to feel loved.

“God’s unconditional love is a very difficult concept for people to accept because, in the world, there’s always payment for everything we receive.”

Joyce Meyer

Relevant Reflections:

1. How has God displayed His unconditional love toward you? Thank Him for that valentine.

2. Repent of any sin that has built a wall between you and God.

3. Read aloud God’s personal word to me, inserting your name where mine is.




Transforming lives one       at a time.


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Andover, KS 67002

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