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Identity Theft

Norma Donovan

“Everyone has problems. It’s how we choose to deal with our problems that matters. Some people choose to be whiners-some choose to be winners. Some choose to be victims-some choose to be victors.”

Richard Paul Evans

You are not a victim. An insidious disease disguised as a victim mentality has crept into our culture. Its sister viruses are self-pity and rejection thinking with pride at its foundation. When we mainly have our focus on ourselves, becoming a victim is a blink away.

I am choosing to be a victim when I start to feel sorry for myself and the hint of “poor me” is in the background of my thoughts and words. Victim thinking keeps us stuck, holds us back and doesn’t allow us to propel forward. Our past then defines our destiny, rather than divine providence.

The decision of being a victim is the enemy’s ploy to steal our true identity in Christ. Jesus said in John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

A victim thinks negative thoughts and lies, while a victor thinks on what is positive and true in God’s Word. A victim thinks everyone’s out to get them and that God is against them, while a victor tells himself the truth that God is on his side. A victim knows they’re conquered and defeated, while victors know they are conquerors. Victims feel hopeless while victors are full of hope. Victims complain about their life while victors thank God for their lives. “One of the greatest indicators of someone who has embraced the victimhood mentality is their utter lack of gratitude.” (Richard Paul Evans)

We will all face difficult circumstances, loss, unfairness and offense, but the effect they have upon us is determined by our choices. Genesis 21:8-21, tells the story of Abraham’s maidservant, Hagar, who was mistreated by Abraham’s wife Sarah. In fact Hagar and her son by Abraham were told to leave their home. After their food and water ran out, they both began to cry. The angel of God told Hagar not to be afraid and then opened her eyes and she saw a well of water.

Sometimes our despair and discouragement overwhelms us and we can’t see what God sees. Our victim thinking prevents us from seeing the victory ahead. We’re blinded by our heartache. Even though God sees hope right in front of us, we can’t see it because our self-pity and victim thinking blinds our hearts. All we see is our famine, while God sees the feast right in front of us.

Watchman Nee says, “Victory is ours because it is His.” All that God possesses is ours because He lives within us. I Corinthians 15:57 says, “But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” We have access to all of who God is, therefore we are victors in Christ.

Take a look at Ephesians chapter one and soak in the truth about who you are. You are blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ. (vs. 3) You are chosen by God. (vs. 4) You are adopted as His son or daughter. (vs. 5) You have redemption through His blood and forgiveness of sins. (vs. 7) The list goes on and on. How can we believe we’re victims when God says these truths about us?

Choose this day to take back your God-given identity as a victor and give up the pride and lies that feed victim thinking. Thank God for all things. What’s true about God is true about you. Embrace being a conqueror and watch God unfold His destiny for your life.

“God wants us to be victors, not victims; to grow, not grovel; to soar, not sink; to overcome, not to be overwhelmed.”

William A. Ward

Relevant Reflections:

1. Identify the role victim thinking plays in your thoughts and words.

2. How has the enemy stolen your identity in Christ?

3. What steps toward being a victor can you choose to take today?


Transforming lives one       at a time.


P.O. Box 376

Andover, KS 67002

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