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Knowing God

Norma Donovan

“Once you become aware that the main business that you are here for is to know God, most of life’s problems fall into place of their own accord.”

J. I. Packer

We get to know God by spending time with Him in the Word and by experiencing Him. Before David became King, he faced and fought the giant Goliath. His older brothers and others more mature in the army were too afraid to take up that challenge. Even though David was much younger, he knew who God was experientially. God was there when as a shepherd, David killed a lion and a bear. David could testify to God’s faithfulness, strength, and protection. Because David knew God, he trusted Him to kill Goliath.

We get to know people by spending time with them and going through the ups and downs of life together. Because of my history with one friend in particular, I know whenever she faces adversity, she gives God thanks. I trust that the next time she comes upon a bump in the road, she will respond in the same way.

Psalm 9:10 says, “Those who know Your name will trust in You, for You, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek You.” When I’m fearful and up against a giant, I reflect back on how God has intervened in my life. I get to know God’s character, nature, and attributes when I see who He is through my history. Observing how God came through for me in my past, gives me faith for today and for the future ahead.

When I remember who God is, I’m able to rest, assured He will be the same in the next situation. Because it’s God’s nature to be faithful, I know He will show Himself faithful again. He took care of me and my needs in the past, when a year ago, I had endometrial cancer, and a heart attack six years before that. Therefore, He will do that again in my future. I know who God is, and as a result, I place my trust in Him.

“There is but one thing in the world really worth pursuing-the knowledge of God.”

Robert Hugh Benson

Relevant Reflections:

  1. How do you get to know God?

  2. What giants are you currently facing?

  3. Reflect on God’s faithfulness in your past to give you reassurance for the future.




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