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Knowing the Will of God

Norma Donovan

“There are no disappointments to those whose wills are buried in the will of God.”

Frederick William Faber

As a young woman in my twenties, the big mystery was to know God’s will, regarding my relationships, career or ministry. Some things still haven’t changed in my sixties. Because I have grown in lordship and submission to God’s preference, I pursue to understand His will all the more. The difference is it’s not as much a mystery. My almost fifty years of walking hand in hand with the Lord has harvested an intimate relationship with the Giver of destinies.

I believe, the greater you know God intimately, the easier it is to understand His will for your life. The closer you are in relationship with Jesus, the louder He whispers His secrets in the ears of your heart. Just as a close friend shares with you their plans, so too Holy Spirit discloses the desires of His heart for you.

It is equally important to sense God’s direction for the beginning of something as well as the end of something. Both require a surrender of heart and obedience in response. Your will be done, Lord. Years ago, and for almost eight years, John and I led Titus Ministries, a ministry to encourage spiritual leaders. Eventually, the ministry became more difficult, as if God’s Spirit no longer blew upon it. When God’s grace lifted off of Titus Ministries, we knew it was time to close it down. The tricky part is discerning who’s causing the difficulty? If it’s the enemy, you persevere, but if it’s God, you follow His new direction. 

When John’s patient load began to decline in Omaha, I thought it was the enemy. So, I interceded, prayed the Word of God and gave God thanks. This went on for months and it only worsened. Breakthrough in discerning God’s will didn’t come until I saw an image of God’s hands on our backs pushing us out of Omaha. It was hard for me to understand God’s will because I didn’t want to believe it. My desires blocked my discernment.

Knowing God’s will for our lives becomes more concrete when we’re closest to Him and our only desire is to do what He wants us to do. Paul admonishes us in Ephesians 4:17: “Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.” Let’s be wise children of God and understand His will. Walk side by side with the Lord. Don’t run ahead of Him, nor lag behind. Know His will, the beginning and the end of something.

“No one may prefer his own will to the will of God, but in everything we must seek and do the will of God.”

St. Basil the Great

Relevant Reflection:

Ask the Lord if there’s anything He wants you to start up or to close down. Be obedient to His will.




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