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Letting Go

Norma Donovan

“Life is a balance of holding on and letting go.” Anonymous

My mom and stepdad are both artists in Arizona and for numerous years they sold their artwork in a Scottsdale gallery. Year after year though, the drama with the owner and their family members bled over into my parents’ lives causing undue stress. My parents were loyal and kept trying to give advice, help, and friendship to the owner and their family, but each year the stress seemed to build. I encouraged my parents to discontinue selling their art there. They were fine with that, but they first wanted to find another venue to replace the loss of sales.

Finally after the stress began to affect my parents’ health, I suggested they pull out of the gallery even before they had the security of another one. My reasoning was it’s not worth losing their health over it. They agreed and moved their artwork back home. A few weeks later, another gallery in a different city decided to sell their art and the possibility of another store may also open up.

I remember when the Lord asked us to give up a ministry we led for almost eight years. I had no idea what He had in store for me next, but He clearly said not to hold onto it, for I wouldn’t be able to grasp what would follow. I was to let go of my security, what I was comfortable with, in order to grab a hold of what I had no clue of. Closing the door on Titus ministry opened the door to teaching a women’s Bible study, which became foundational to what I’m doing today.

Sometimes our holding onto something is the very thing that prevents us from receiving the desires of our heart. Our tight grasp on the present can thwart our future. Recently I was praying for a friend’s daughter who was dating a man that had been on and off again in the past. As I prayed, I wondered if her staying in that comfortable and secure relationship, was the very thing that may be preventing her from meeting the man of her dreams. Is her holding on, due to fear of not finding another, keeping her from God’s choice?

Here’s the deal: letting go is scary and uncomfortable. But when we let go, take risks, and face our fears, that’s when faith kicks in and God takes over. When we let go and let God, His presence will be with us. I love God’s promise to us in Joshua 1:9. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

What is it you’re holding onto that you sense God is encouraging you to let go? Don’t let fear and insecurity hinder you from receiving the desires of your heart.

“Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.” Ann Landers

Relevant Reflections: 1. Describe a time when holding onto something prevented you from receiving the desires of your heart. 2. What was the most difficult thing you let go of, and how did that risk change your life?




Transforming lives one       at a time.


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