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Possess Your Identity

Norma Donovan

“When we really understand who God is, we begin to recognize who we are. Revelation about Him leads to revelation about ourselves.”

Katherine Ruonala

The more I get to know God, the more I realize how little I know about Him. Understanding who God is and His attributes, leads me to understand my identity as His child. In order to live out of that identity, I need to believe those truths within my heart. Then and only then, can I possess my true identity in Christ.

For years my shame-based, low self-esteem compelled me to seek affirmation and approval from others. I didn’t feel good enough and became a people pleaser, to feel valuable and to gain acceptance. When all along, I didn’t realize how God felt about me.

The truth is, God adored me. He wholeheartedly loved and accepted me unconditionally. I didn’t need to do something to earn His acceptance. But I did need to believe it. When I already possess something, it’s not necessary to look to find it elsewhere. If a recipe called for a can of diced tomatoes and I already had one in the pantry, then I won’t need to run to the grocery store.

Likewise, when we know and believe who we are in Christ, then we won’t desire to look for identity in our careers, hobbies, family, friends, or ministry. We won’t require our positions or possessions to make us feel significant, because our identity is firmly attached to who God says we are and how He feels about us.

Possession has to do with ownership, what you already have. Possess your identity, believe who He says you are, and then live from that belief. Knowing how our heavenly Father feels about us, rids us from shame, fear, and rejection.

Ephesians 1:18 says, “I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints.” Behold God, get to know who He is, and you will possess your identity in Christ.

“We all live out of the identity we see for ourselves. You will almost always fulfill the vision you have of yourself.”

Katherine Ruonala

Relevant Reflections:

  1. By what means do you strive to find your significance?

  2. What can you do today to get to know God more?

  3. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you greater understanding of your identity in Christ.




Transforming lives one       at a time.


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Andover, KS 67002

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