“The value you place on the word determines the power you receive from the word…unbelief will kill a prophecy.”
Kris Vallotton
Words spoken by others can have the power of life or death, just as Proverbs 18:21a states. Words, whether intentional or unintentional, can birth and infuse life, faith, and courage into us. They can also have the opposite effect and fill us with hopelessness and defeat, like a popped balloon being deflated.
Gideon, in Judges chapter seven, overheard a dream and its interpretation given by the enemies, two Midianites. It was just what he needed to hear to fill him up with courage and faith to go and fight against them. It had the effect of “sealing the deal” with obeying God’s command to fight against the Midianites. God knew what Gideon needed, and likewise, God knows our need for encouragement and He provides prophetic words to birth life within us.
I love Gideon’s immediate response to overhearing the dream and its interpretation. “As soon as Gideon heard the telling of the dream and its interpretation, he worshiped. And he returned to the camp of Israel and said, ‘Arise, for the Lord has given the host of Midian into your hands’” (Judges 7:15). Worship was Gideon’s knee-jerk reaction to hearing a prophetic promise. God sometimes uses others to speak words to confirm what He has already spoken.
After Gideon worshiped God, he returned to his small army of 300 men to cheer them on that the Lord would defeat their enemy. Even though the Midianites had larger numbers and force, as long as the Lord was on their side, the odds against them didn’t matter. Prophetic words boost our faith and faith is contagious.
The effects of a timely prophetic word which resonates within your heart is a powerful form of encouragement. The next time you receive a prophetic word, respond to God with worship and inspire others with your faith.
“You don’t need another prophetic word, you just need to believe the one He has given you! We need to be a people possessed by promises!”
Bill Johnson
Relevant Reflection:
Describe a time when a prophetic word birthed life into you. Spend time worshiping God and uplift others with your faith.