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Speak to Your Soul


“Your soul is healthiest when it comes back frequently and wholeheartedly to God.”

Judah Smith

While reading Psalm 42:5, I discovered how to take care of my soul. “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.”

The psalmist David took notice of how his soul was doing. Awareness is the first step to change. We cannot more forward and have our souls be transformed unless we understand and pinpoint how we’re doing. David acknowledged his feelings and put a name to it so he could specifically deal with it and have his heart healed. David was aware of how his mind, will, and emotions were anxious and lacked peace. Likewise, soul care involves paying attention to how we feel. Just like when a “check engine” light flashes on a car's dashboard, so too it’s helpful to notice physical or emotional signs of stress when our soul’s “check

your heart” light is flashing.

Secondly, David knew he didn’t need to stay in that emotional state, so he began to help his soul climb out of its emotional pit by telling it to hope in God. David spoke to his soul and told it the truth, that his hope was in God and not in his circumstances. The psalmist reminded himself of what the true truth was – that his hope is placed in the unseen God and His nature and ability, and not in what he saw around him.

We don’t have to remain hostage to our negative emotions which bring us down. We are not victims of our feelings. We have authority over our soul. Just like David did, we can tell it what to do.

Thirdly, David knew the importance of giving God thanks. He praised God for His help – past, present, and future. Giving thanks places us in a position of humility and dependence upon God to come through for us. Thanksgiving is by faith, agreeing with who God is. Praise is how we worship God over our circumstances and acknowledge that He is greater than what is going on.

The next time you experience heartache, remember you have a choice. You don’t have to lie down and wallow in those emotions or let them control you. Instead, speak to your soul and encourage yourself in the Lord!

"Only God can heal the soul.”

Rob Reimer

Relevant Reflection:

Which of the three steps of soul care: awareness, speaking to your soul, or giving God thanks, do you need to apply?



Transforming lives one       at a time.


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Andover, KS 67002

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