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The God Who Sees Me

Norma Donovan

“God sees us as we are, loves us as we are, and accepts us as we are. But by His grace, He does not leave us as we are.”

Tim Keller

God has given me such grace for this time of transition. I’m not in any rush to discover why He sent us to Wichita, or where we best fit for His purposes. There is a level of peace and contentment within that can only be His doing. And yet, while waiting to see what God has up His sleeve for me, I’ve seen His faithfulness to answer prayer and fulfill what He has promised. Such as providing not one, but two churches, to attend.

Often at the Saturday night ministry, the pastor will prophesy over people, as God directs him. A few weeks ago, the pastor asked John and me to come forward and to introduce ourselves and tell a little about us. We met the pastor two months ago, but he doesn’t know us. The pastor opened it up to the Body to pray for us and to minister encouragement through prophetic words. Then the pastor spoke a word that hit the bulls-eye mark within my heart. It was a Spirit-to-Spirit connection. More people approached us afterward to welcome us and share God’s heart with us.

We left that evening feeling encouraged and embraced by the Body of Christ there. It was as if we entered that place unknown and left feeling known. God saw us and introduced us that night to some of His children.

This reminds me of one of my favorite stories in Genesis, where Hagar, Abram’s servant, runs away because of being mistreated by her mistress, Sarai. Then “the angel of the Lord found Hagar” (Genesis 16:7). The angel gave instructions and a promise to Hagar. She named the Lord who spoke to her, El Roi. In Genesis 16:13 she says, “You are the God who sees me.”

When we were introduced to the Body of Christ that Saturday night, our hearts were strengthened because we knew God saw us. He had not forgotten us in the midst of our move to Kansas. He is still working out His desires for us here and He did it by speaking to the pastor to prophesy over us. 

God sees you. You are never forgotten by God. You’re always remembered in His thoughts and plans. Place your trust in the One who’s got this and knows what He’s doing. 

“Faith is trust–trust that God sees what we cannot and that He knows what we do not.”

Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Relevant Reflection:

In what situation do you need to be comforted by El Roi, the God who sees you?




Transforming lives one       at a time.


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Andover, KS 67002

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