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The Relationship Between Trust and Freedom


“True and absolute freedom is only found in the presence of God.”

A.W. Tozer

For weeks I was waking up around three in the morning, unable to fall back to sleep. For me who likes routines and loves to sleep, this bumped me in undesirable ways. Less sleep meant less focus and energy. It also indicated a need to become more flexible and fluid with my daily schedule, being open to the possibility of napping sometime in the day. Having my normal rhythm interrupted and being uncertain about how much sleep I would get at night, caused me to become fearful. I’m learning though, that pain is often the doorway to freedom.

I sought the Lord about what He wanted me to learn during this draining season of life. He taught me to have a greater dependence upon Him, to lean upon Him for energy and strength, and to see Him as being more than enough for me. He amazed me with how He provided abounding grace and stamina for the day. I began to see I need God for everything and what I used to take for granted and thought was supplied by me, was really provided for by Him. In my natural self, I don’t have what it takes to live my normal life; my every breath comes from God.

God was demolishing my idol of sleep and was training me to not become anxious with my lack of control regarding sleep. Fear holds me captive. He showed me that when I have no fear, I have true freedom. I experience greater freedom when nothing controls me, such as sleep. God’s desire was to get me to the place where I have no attachments except Him. He was deepening my trust in Him. Trusting in God and not in how many hours of sleep I got, was the end goal God had in mind. “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God” (Psalm 20:7).

The greater our trust is firmly planted in God, the greater we walk in freedom. In what circumstance that you lack control is God asking you to put your trust in Him? Let go of control, lean upon God, and watch Him be more than enough for you. Taste and see how placing your trust in God releases greater freedom for you.

“It is when we become captives to God’s truth that we find real freedom.”

Alistair Begg

Relevant Reflection:

In what specific situation is God asking you to deepen your trust in Him which will lead you into greater freedom?

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay



Transforming lives one       at a time.


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Andover, KS 67002

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