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The Secret to Contentment

Norma Donovan

“Nothing will kill your contentment faster than comparison.”

Steven Furtick

Several years ago, I wrote three posts on what crushes contentment: covetousness, complaining and comparison. Covetousness causes us to focus on what we want or lack, which makes us miss the joy of what we already have. Complaining expresses dissatisfaction to God and challenges His goodness. Comparison is a judgment toward ourselves or someone else, which leads to feeling inferior or prideful. If those three things kill contentment, what practical steps can we take to create contentment?

First, to weaken discontentment, we fast being snared by the comparison trap. Ask Jesus to conform you to His image, not to someone else.

Secondly, gratefulness strengthens contentment. When I see my weaknesses and limitations as gifts from God then I become satisfied with how He made me. My lower capacity is God’s checks and balances for me. Because God knows I love to help people, not being able to do as much as others, is His boundary or form of protection. Being thankful for all that God has done and given to us are ways we override our tendency to complain and covet what others have.

Lastly, we create contentment by going in the opposite spirit of judging others by affirming them. When we stop focusing on ourselves and instead choose to honor others by building them up, unity is released. Judgment breeds judgment and acceptance breeds acceptance. You will experience rest and satisfaction as you accept and affirm others and yourself.

Philippians 4:12 says, “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.” Contentment has nothing to do with circumstances in life, but comes from within and is something we can learn. The secret to contentment lies in having an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. When He is our everything and is more than enough, then we’re content even when our external world may be falling apart.

“Real contentment must come from within.”

Warren Wiersbe

Relevant Reflections:

  1. How can you fast discontentment?

  2. What practical steps can you take today to create contentment?




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