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The Secret to Courage

Norma Donovan

“Fear can keep a man out of danger, but courage can support him in it.”

Thomas Fuller

In I Chronicles 28:20, David gave his son Solomon a charge. “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the Lord is finished.” David spoke from personal experience, of knowing who God had been to him.

David, obeying God’s command, entrusted his son with the responsibility of building God’s temple. I can only imagine how overwhelmed and fearful Solomon must have been with that task. In essence, the purpose of this mini pep talk from a father to his son, encouraged Solomon’s heart and strengthened his resolve.

The secret to courage in this passage, lies within the promise that God is with us. It’s God’s presence which gives us what we need to face our fears. And not only does God promise to be with us, He assures us He will not leave us nor fail us. Some of us have experienced abandonment, but God will never desert us. In fact, God will help us be successful in obeying His will for our lives.

Each time I have had to face my fears of change, loneliness, and challenges in areas I thought there’s no way I can do this, God comes alongside of me, reassuring me that WE, He and I together, are totally capable of completing it. It’s God’s presence that gives me the courage, strength, determination, and the ability to accomplish what He desires. As I reflect upon the mountains He’s placed in front of me to climb, I am humbled and grateful for His promise to be with me.

“The only way to remove the fear from our lives is to listen to God’s assurance to us.”

Oswald Chambers

Relevant Reflections:

  1. What mountains are you currently facing? Thank God for His presence and for His ability to help you climb to the top of the mountain.

  2. How has God’s presence made you courageous?




Transforming lives one       at a time.


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