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The Voice of God

Norma Donovan

“The truth of God reflects the character of God. The words I hear from God are healing words that invite me to greater intimacy with Him.”

Thom Gardner

When I was a little girl munching on my food at the dinner table, I would declare that eating is the funnest thing to do! What I enjoy most in life today is hearing the voice of God. You might think that’s odd, but God created me with a passion to be intimate with Him. You can’t have a close relationship without communication. So when I read His Word or hear His quiet voice speak within my heart, my relationship deepens with the Creator of the universe.

God’s voice never contradicts His Word and it always aligns itself with God’s nature, or who He is. God is loving, therefore His voice will be full of love, wooing us back to Himself. On the other hand, the enemy is the father of lies and his voice puts us down, crushes our spirit and paralyzes us with fear. Satan’s desire is to pull us away from being close to God, while the Lord’s voice draws us closer to Him.

Several years ago I procrastinated laying on the floor and soaking in the presence of God. I kept putting it off because I felt ashamed of a sin. The Holy Spirit, true to His gentleman-like nature, kept nudging me to soak. He said after I repent of my sin then soaking is exactly what I need to do. Soaking, or sitting still in God’s presence, encourages me to return to God and to reconcile my relationship with Him.

The enemy wants to keep me stuck in the place of shame. He knows if he has me there then I’ll hide from God and run away from His will for my life. The enemy’s voice of condemnation holds me captive, whereas the voice of God sets me free.

Thom Gardner in Healing the Wounded Heart writes, “If what we hear does not lead us back to God, it is not God! God doesn’t condemn us, though He will frequently confront us…because He wants to remove anything that separates us from Him.”

Time spent in God’s presence and sitting still to hear God’s voice heals my wounded heart deep within as His truth is revealed. My relationship with God is restored and I begin “to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of God.” (Ephesians 3:18) My heart connects with God’s heart as He speaks to me.

When I met my husband over forty years ago we couldn’t spend enough time together. We tried to study in the library but ended up asking each other a million questions in our quest to get to know one another. My relationship with God is no different. I have to make time to hear His voice. Knowing who God is and what He is like cements my heart to His.

“Let us be silent that we may hear the whisper of God.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Relevant Reflections:

1. How has hearing God’s voice restored your relationship with God?

2. In what ways does God’s voice reflect His nature?

3. Take a few minutes and quiet your heart. Listen to the voice of God and record what He says.




Transforming lives one       at a time.


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Andover, KS 67002

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