“It is in silence that God is known, and through mysteries that He declares Himself.” Robert Hugh Benson
In the middle of my quiet time with the Lord, He nudged me to go sit out on the deck and listen to Him speak. I gladly obeyed and said, “This is the life Lord, sitting out here, having time alone with You!” I thought to myself, “Some things never change.”
I desperately desired time alone with my earthly dad, as a little girl, because it was so rare. The few “dates” I did have, I loved having dad all to myself, where I was the center of his attention and he was mine.
Even though my time alone with my heavenly Daddy isn’t rare and I choose to make those moments a priority, I still love having Him all to myself, when we both have focused attention on one another. Just as when I spent time alone with my earthly dad, I felt special and secure in his presence, so too do I even to a greater degree, experience that with my Abba Father. Peace, stillness within my heart and mind, are also byproducts of time alone with my God. Even when life seems overwhelming, when I’m with my Daddy, I know everything will be alright. Here are some practical tips to cultivate your time alone with God:
Quiet yourself. Find an area away from distractions and the phone. Start small and make it a priority to spend 3-5 minutes every other day listening to His voice. Have a pad of paper/pen next to you to jot down any distracting thoughts. Record in a journal the life-giving words He speaks to your heart. (Note: For me, God’s voice sounds a lot like my own voice, not a booming male voice.) Simply sit still, without talking. Even if He doesn’t say anything, He enjoys having you all to Himself without any conversation.
One of my most intimate times with my husband was after I returned from a trip to Mozambique. It was a week before Christmas and we sat on the couch with all the lights out except those on the Christmas tree. He had his arm around me and we sat quietly without saying a word; simply being together was enough. It’s the same with the Lord. He loves being with us even when there’s no communication. Psalm 46:10 encourages us to “Be still, and know that I am God.”
You are always on God’s mind and in His heart. You are the center of His attention. More than anyone else, He wants to spend time alone with you. What are you waiting for? Grab a journal and pen, find a quiet place, and be still. Enjoy the fruit of security, peace, feeling valued, and close to God, as a result of your time alone with Him.
“Outward silence is indispensable for the cultivation and improvement of inner silence.” Jeanne Guyon
Relevant Reflections: 1. What were your experiences like when you had time alone with your earthly dad? How did those moments make you feel? 2. Which practical steps will you do this week as you spend time alone with God?