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Up Close and Personal

Norma Donovan

“Faith is the willingness to look foolish.”

Mark Batterson

Restoring Hearts Ministry is my personal journey in the land of looking foolish. I have fleeting thoughts that some people internally shake their heads when they look at me and the ministry. They see a woman who has no clue what she is doing and think: There is no way her speaking and writing ministry will take off. She is just an ordinary person, not someone with special giftings.

Mind you, no one has ever said to me, “I can’t believe you’re leading a ministry when you’re not a visionary.” But I have thought those thoughts. It’s easy for doubts to sneak in and replace my kernel of faith with fear and unbelief. Then I thank God for all those He’s provided to surround me in my journey of faith.

I’m grateful for my Board of Directors and those on the intercessory prayer team who sincerely believe God is in this. I believe because they believe and I ride on the coattails of their faith. Because they believe in Restoring Hearts Ministry enough to pray for it and support it, I trust God is in this. My faithful intercessors’ come alongside of me and help my unbelief.

Never underestimate the power of belief. God’s Word says all we need is faith as tiny as a mustard seed and we will be able to move mountains. That little bit of faith is enough to make all things possible.(Matthew 17:20-21)

My ‘up close and personal thoughts’ go like this: None of this makes sense. Why God would choose me to do something this big is outlandish. But He knows He can do it and that I will do if for Him and with Him. The results are His and the glory will all belong to Him, because it definitely isn’t me that is able to pull this off! I’m only obeying His call, one step at a time.

Jesus encourages me with these words from Mark 9:23. “If you can? Everything is possible for him who believes.” When God gives me an assignment I obey Him by putting one foot in front of the other. Restoring Hearts Ministry will get to where God wants it to go, one baby step at a time. I try not to look at the whole picture, for that will overwhelm me. Instead, I look at the next step in front of me.

What’s important is not how grand your ministry becomes. But are you doing the next thing Jesus tells you to do, whether or not you have enough faith for it? Join me in looking foolish and together we’ll be full of faith, close to the Father’s heart.

“Faith is to believe what you do not see: the reward for this faith is to see what you believe.”

St. Augustine of Hippo

Relevant Reflections:

1. Who do you need to come alongside of and speak belief into?

2. Thank God for those He’s surrounded you with that you can draft off of their faith.

3. What is the next step God is asking you to take? What mountain is He asking you to move?

4. Are you willing to look foolish?




Transforming lives one       at a time.


P.O. Box 376

Andover, KS 67002

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