“You wouldn’t give your child a task he couldn’t complete, and God doesn’t assign to you goals you can’t achieve. His goals for you are possible, certain and achievable. The only requirement for success is your response.”
Neil Anderson
Last night was the Super Bowl and although I’m not a football fan, I watched a few minutes of it. At eight o’clock though, we changed the channel to Downton Abbey since the game was such a blow out. Afterwards we switched back just in time to see the confetti flying and the Seattle Seahawks beat the Denver Broncos 43-8. We continued watching for a few more minutes and caught brief comments made by the Seahawk’s 5’11” quarterback, Russell Wilson. He said something that riveted my attention.
First though, did you know the average height of NFL quarterbacks is 6’3″? And it’s been over sixty years since a quarterback under 6’0″ has been drafted in the first two rounds. Russell Wilson has had many doubters at every stage of his career and he’s only the sixth NFL quarterback to start in the Super Bowl before the end of his second season. While those stats may be impressive, the words Russell shared made an imprint upon my heart. He said, “I remember my dad asking me one time, and it’s something that has always stuck with me: ‘Why not you, Russ?’ You know, why not me? Why not me in the Super Bowl? So in speaking to our football team earlier in the year, I said, ‘Why not us? Why can’t we be there?'”
Some of you reading this have laughed at the dreams God has placed within your heart, as Sarah laughed when she heard the Lord declare she would give birth in her old age. Yesterday I told some friends with all due respect, I think it’s hilarious what God has chosen for me to do. And then I said that must be His plan, to show me who He really is!
I’m sure Russell Wilson was told numerous times he was too short to become a NFL quarterback. I can only imagine how those words must have knocked him down in discouragement, but each time he got back up ready to fight for his God-given dream.
The Lord reminded me of I Corinthians 1:27-29: “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things-and the things that are not-to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before Him.”
God went on to speak to my heart, “Why not take the less gifted to perform the miraculous? Why not take little shepherd boys and turn them into righteous kings? When you have little and I cause it to multiply, does that not point to Me, so I receive great glory? Norma, you may never have excelled in English, but can I not choose to use you to write for Me? You may have stuttered as a child, but can I not choose you to be My spokeswoman? You may have been shy growing up, but can I not choose you to mentor the masses?”
All we need to fulfill our God-given destinies is a mustard-seed of faith and a life that is surrendered and obedient to Him. I have little faith in me completing God’s call, but have great faith in God being able to do it. And when I begin to doubt, I surround myself with people who have the gift of faith and draft off their faith to be carried along in God’s dream for me.
Today your heavenly Father is asking you the same question Russell Wilson’s dad asked him. Why not you? As you believe and obey God, watch Him receive more glory!
“Your greatest fulfillment will come from accepting and occupying God’s unique place for you to the best of your ability.”
Neil Anderson
Relevant Reflections:
1. What dreams has God given to you?
2. Make a list of all the reasons why you can’t fulfill God’s call. Next, write who God is and how He can fulfill His destiny on your life.
3. Surrender your life to Him by declaring, “Why not me!” and being in agreement with His will for your life.