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Words for the Soul

“Learning to hear God’s voice is the most important task of a disciple of Jesus. The primary posture of a disciple of Jesus is sitting at his feet and listening.”

John Mark Comer

We don’t always listen to the truth and instead fall prey to the enemy’s subtle lies. It is at times like these, more than ever, we need the Holy Spirit to “speak to our souls.” When we are unaware of our deception and are living from that place of misbelief, then the Spirit speaks up and tells us the very words our souls need to hear. Recently, God’s faint whispers within my spirit strengthened and encouraged my soul. Listen in.

I want you to live again, Norma. The pandemic has shut down a part of you. It’s time to embrace life again, to go after things with more energy and hope. Be energized in your passion. Keep pursuing more of Me and more of My opportunities for your life. No more giving up or slowing down. Embrace life. Let Me renew your zest for life!

Look forward to things again, not with fear, but with anticipation and joy. The things you normally celebrate physically, in the natural and within your heart, celebrate again in fullness. No more being subdued. There is no limit to what I can do in you or through you! No longer look at situations negatively, wondering how you will have enough energy. Instead, get excited about the opportunity and watch with anticipation, the miracles I will perform, overriding your age and lack of energy. Rise above the pull of gravity that tempts to drag you back down.

I pray that some of these words also resonated within your soul. If there is life in someone else’s word which hits the bullseye of your heart, then I encourage you to grab a hold of it as if it were spoken directly to you. At times I need to speak those words aloud, to convince myself of the truth and to receive further understanding.

To prevent us from walking in unbelief and hopelessness, we need to become like Martha’s sister Mary. “She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said” (Luke 10:39). When you are downcast or anxious, ask the Holy Spirit to speak to your soul, to give you a life-giving word of encouragement.

“Hearing his voice is not so much a skill we must master, therefore, as a master we must meet.”

Pete Greig

Relevant Reflection:

Sit at Jesus’ feet and listen. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to your soul the words of encouragement it desperately needs to hear.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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